Tiny bundle size
The minified and gzipped bundle size of individual modules are tested.
Device agnostic styles, components & hooks for Deno / Node.js React apps; Ruck ready. Simple to build, test, & use with 1 design for any:
The minified and gzipped bundle size of individual modules are tested.
Intuitive layouts suitable for any screen size, without media queries.
Interactive components have clearly discernable :focus
Lightweight, pretty and accessible form field validation messages.
The color scheme adapts to the operating system’s light or dark mode.
Customize theme CSS variables globally or in components.
No intrusive normalization or resets; just the :root
Special component to style rendered markdown, e.g. from user comments.
Lean use of semantically appropriate HTML elements.
Elegant use of React hooks, refs and fragments makes for a great DX.